Climate Fringe – Our Pick of the Events

Climate Fringe – Our Pick of the Events

We are really excited about our upcoming Nature Walk in Pollok Park which takes place this Thursday. The event is a small part of the Climate Fringe taking place across country throughout September. There are so many fantastic activities to choose from, but we’ve picked out a few which particularly caught our eye. Don’t miss the whole calendar here.

21st September – Beyond the World of Oil – Friends of the Earth Scotland – two short films exploring the world of oil and what’s beyond it from the perspective of those who work in the oil industry and those who live in Aberdeen, a city shaped by it. This event is in Glasgow but repeats in Edinburgh on 28th September.

22nd September – SCCAN Podcasting skillshare – a listening party and Q&A with Hazel Darwin-Clements, a member of the SCCAN collective. She will discuss her plans for a new podcast episode she’s working on and hold a Q&A to ask for honest feedback from the audience.

28th September – Plan It for the Planet – Common Weal and Edinburgh Climate Coalition – The current energy and cost of living crises expose the brutality of the free market system. Renewables are cheaper than fossil fuels, but we’re stuck with expensive oil and gas. Giant fossil fuel corporations report obscene profits while millions are plunged into huge debt. What can we all do?

30th September – Running Out of Time – Carbon Copy – Carbon Copy has teamed up with The World Relay for the longest non-stop relay ever attempted, “Running Out Of Time”. Over 7700km from Glasgow to COP27 in Egypt, in the name of climate action. Community leaders, school children and neighbours will pass the relay baton from hand to hand across 18 countries and show the world what we can achieve when we work together. Sign up. Run a leg of the relay (10km).

7th October – Thurso Sustainability Fair – Net Zero Thurso. Climate Fringe is not just for the central belt! The event will feature various organisations, businesses, and projects which have a vision for a Sustainable Thurso at the heart of them. They will be there to advise you on how you can source renewable energy options, lower your energy and food costs, reduce your food and plastic waste, live a more sustainable lifestyles, make your business more sustainable, focus on your wellbeing and mental health during the energy crisis, learn more about climate change, and much more! There will also be presentations, workshops, and activities for all ages.

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